

通识教育发展®)课程为学生参加获得普通教育文凭所需的考试做准备® 高中同等学历证书. 预备班用英语授课.


可选的教育 & 青年格®

注意: 有资格参加这些项目的年龄各不相同,从16岁开始. 请致电了解更多信息.


可选的教育 is a collaborative effort by the six Rock Island County public secondary school systems, 太阳城集团博彩, the Regional Superintendent of Schools and the Youth Service Bureau to provide educational alternatives for truant and dropout youth. 学生可以获得高中学分,从而获得文凭或为格做准备® 测试. 还提供额外的支持服务.


旨在满足年轻的格的需要® 学生,选修教育格® 课程帮助那些高中学分很少的学生为格做准备® 考试,反过来,这将使他们有资格就业或高等教育.


这个项目为16到24岁的学生提供可选教育高中学分或格® students who are interested in exploring employment and postsecondary educational options. Career services offered include: self-assessment and 生涯探索; résumé, cover letter and interview preparation; job search techniques; training in employer expectations; job placement assistance; and guidance with transition to college. 咨询电话:309-796-8252.


The 斯塔克县青少年援助计划 is supported by 职业生涯的链接 through a Workforce Investment Act grant. It provides support for qualified youth ages 16-24 to complete their high-school-level education then successfully enter work or post-secondary training. Special support and tutoring is provided to help students succeed academically when they may have struggled in the past.

  • 免费的格考试练习/准备®
  • ® 测试资金
  • 为学生进步提供经济激励
  • 工作技能/面试培训
  • 协助创建一个强大的组织
  • 带薪工作经历
  • 运输援助
  • 有机会尝试焊接方面的工作, 卫生保健, 电脑, 汽车修理, 办公室职业等!

Our staff provides individualized coaching to help participants develop their character and plan for their future. 更多信息,请致电309-854-1862或联系:

Career Link Case Manager
Career Link
106 E. Williams St., Wyoming, IL

就业与学术技能培训(T.E.A.M.) Program

就业培训与学术掌握(T ..E.A.M.) program is a Workforce Investment Act initiative designed to help qualified youth complete their basic education and successfully transition to work or postsecondary training. In addition to academic training, the program specializes in résumé-building, career exploration, workforce preparation, occupational and soft skill training, 以及针对个性发展的个性化咨询. T.E.A.M. is available at all Adult Education facilities managed by Black Hawk College in Rock Island County. For more information, call 309-796-8242.


符合条件的学生可以免费参加太阳城集团博彩的预备课程. 然而,学生们应该注意,参加格考试是要收费的® 测试. 有关注册日期和时间,请致电309-796-8216与我们联系.


Students must reside in the 太阳城集团博彩 District and must be at least 17 years old and not enrolled in a K-12 school district (16-year-old students may enroll only with parental and K-12 school district permission). 选修教育/青少年普通教育文凭® 课程是为16-18岁的学生设计的.


方便注册贯穿整个学期. An assessment during registration ensures accurate class placement within the program. 符合条件的学生可以免费上课. 格® 学生们应该注意,参加格考试是要收费的® 测试.


For the purpose of compliance with Section 511 of Public Law 101-166 (Stevens Amendment), 大约39%(377美元),444) of FY24 太阳城集团博彩 成人教育 and Literacy funding comes from federal resources.



  • 任何年满18岁的人, 在伊利诺伊州居住至少30天, 而且都不是高中毕业生, 但谁的高中班级已经毕业了
  • 美国现役军人:美国现役武装部队的成员, 谁年满17岁, 在伊利诺伊州居住或者是伊利诺伊州的合法居民
  • 十七岁或以上的惩教部门的囚犯, or an inmate confined in any branch of the Illinois State Penitentiary or in a county correctional facility
  • A female/male 谁年满17岁 who is unable to attend school because she is either pregnant or the mother/father of one or more children
  • A person 谁年满17岁 who has been a dropout for a period of at least one year
  • A person who is successfully competing an alternative education program under Section 2-3.伊利诺伊州学校法典第81条或第13A条
  • A person who is enrolled in the youth education program sponsored by the Illinois National Guard (Lincoln’s Challenge)


四个普通教育文凭® 检查费用为36美元. 当一个学生准备参加格考试时® 他们必须参加格考试.. com及登入他们的个人格® 开户,注册考试日期和时间,并支付36美元的费用. 成人教育工作人员可以帮助学生创建个人格® 为测试登记和注册. 虽然注册是通过格.com, 所有的考试都在太阳城集团博彩考试中心进行, 或岩岛县地区教育办公室.

Tests are offered at The 太阳城集团博彩考试中心 and The 岩岛县地区教育办公室 to take the 测试. If students choose to 测试 at that The 岩岛县地区教育办公室 they must contact the office directly to set up a preferred 测试 date and time. If students choose to take the 测试 at The 太阳城集团博彩考试中心 no appointment is needed. 我们欢迎学生在正常工作时间内前来参加考试. The only requirement is that students arrive one hour before close of business to ensure ample 测试 time.

修读宪法模块是免费的.  这个模块可以在学生完成他们的第一个格后完成® 考试.



你可以注册普通教育文凭考试 在这里.


学生必须在所有四项格考试中获得145分或更高的分数® 测试. Students who score above 165 (on any 测试 subject) are considered ready to be college ready.

宪法得分不包括在总分中. Students who have high school transcripts indicating a passed Constitution 测试 will have the 测试 waived. 成绩单必须送到相应的考试中心.

学生可以重新参加格考试® 在一个日历年内最多测试三次. 每个普通教育证书的费用为10美元® 重新测试.



Requests for classroom accommodations are to be submitted to the 太阳城集团博彩 Office of Disability Services. 申请普通教育文凭® 考试安排将被发送给格® 测试服务. Requests for Constitution 测试 accommodations are to be sent to the appropriate 测试 location (太阳城集团博彩考试中心 or the Rock Island Regional Office of Education).

太阳城集团博彩 staff is available to assist any students who wish to submit requests for accommodations.

提供的住宿包括:延长时间, 大号字体, 录音带版本, 读者, 和抄写员.




Adult Learning Center, 4610 Blackhawk Commons Drive, Rock Island, IL or call 309-794-1072
社区教育中心,202 E. 第三个圣.或致电309-854-1875




Cooperating schools require students to attend a class for a specified number of hours per .5信用. While in attendance, students must complete the required assigned work at a passing level. 每完成一节课可获得半个学分. 除非出勤和工作都达到要求,否则不能获得学分.


学生有可能在自己的学校更快地获得学分. Students who complete a full schedule of classes at the home school have the potential to earn 7 credits per year. 选修教育的时间较短(4或5小时), 所以学生一学年只能修完4到5个学分. 有些学生由于出勤率低或学习效率低而收入减少.


® students prepare to demonstrate that they have the same skills as the average high school graduate in five fields: Literature and the Arts, 写作技巧, 科学, 社会研究, 和数学. 学生在入学时接受测试,以帮助确定需要注意的领域. 然后,教师与学生一起设计满足个人需求的课程.


® 毕业生有资格参加大学课程. 而格® 高中文凭毕业生® 大学入学分数可能直接进入四年制大学, 许多人开始在太阳城集团博彩这样的社区学院上大学. 上大学的格® student should strive to earn scores that are higher than the minimum passing score. The student should also consider enrolling in keyboarding and introductory computer classes. 打字和电脑技能会让你更容易过渡到大学.


格: Jennifer Sweborg, 309-796-5562 - sweborgj@fsaqzy.net

高中完成或青年格:劳拉布拉格,309-796-8252 - braggl@fsaqzy.net